Below are two articles that i wrote in connection with
the ICC protests.
We Are Radical
The Rocky Mountain News published
an article entitled, "Police
fear WTO-like violence at rally" (see link). This is my response,
which was refused by the News.
Why We Are Radical
This Monday morning the International
Chamber of Commerce will ponder the topic, "(p)overty, lack of opportunity, hopelessness, and alienation
are breeding grounds for violence and resentment. As numbers rise of
unemployed, disenfranchised and radicalized youth, does business have
special responsibilities in alleviating these problems?" Good question.
Another question is, why are the numbers rising?
If the ICC were serious about solutions they would invite, consult with,
and act on concerns of the students, the young workers, and the unemployed
who will be in Denver streets this week. Alas, ICC delegates will ignore
the protests while benefiting from a million taxpayer dollars spent to
provide sanctuary behind concrete barriers, police phalanx, and threat
of tear-gas at the barricades.
I'm not a youth, I'm a factory worker.
I don't speak for the movement against globalization, but I created
the posters which
have apparently
conjured the image of violence in the minds of the Denver police (News,
May 3, page 4). What the News described accurately as "gritty pictures
of crying and bleeding demonstrators and police wearing riot gear" shows
what may be violence by protesters against property (the burning WTO
sign), and non-violent protesters sitting, kneeling, huddling under a
point-blank tear-gas barrage by police.
The public can easily explore extensive online discussion within the
movement about the Seattle violence, including soul-searching and self-criticism.
But the protesters pictured were guilty only of civil disobedience. Like
that daring individual who stopped a column of tanks in Tiananmen Square,
these folks used their bodies to hinder a column of delegates to a convention
representing something which they abhor. They paid for their transgression
in anguish and blood.
I don't like any kind of violence. I am shocked and horrified by recent
attacks against innocent citizens in Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska in the
name of some confused and bizarre agenda. But I am also deeply troubled
by a silent assault against the economic security of workers for the
sake of profits. If our house is burned or our car is stolen, we consider
it a crime. It is an attack on our lifestyle, and perhaps on our prosperity.
Foreclosure and repossession inflict the same damage to our lives, but
when they result from the will of the corporation, we are told we must
Consider a workmate whom I'll call Anna Lee. Tears streaked her cheeks
as she embraced fellow workers for the last time. In the final moments
of her layoff she shared phone numbers with friends. Then an honor guard
of co-workers, stewards, a supervisor and security saw her out the lobby
exit. She turned for a last glance, fought momentarily with her grief,
and then she was gone.
Last Friday Anna Lee's predicament was shared by more than fifty of
us who work in a Westminster factory. It will be repeated again at our
location with another fifty, and another. Four hundred and thirty-one
workers, some with more than thirty years of service, will take that
lonely walk over the coming weeks. A hundred or more temporary workers
left two months earlier. Forty-five supervisors will be thrown out of
jobs at a later time.
This is not a cutback due to downturn, for this high-tech contract manufacturer
prospers when other companies outsource in a bad economy. Rather it is
a sacrifice to something called neo-liberalism, the new god of a rapacious
corporate culture. The sophisticated machinery once operated by these
workers is already in use elsewhere in the company. Some of the jobs
have gone to a nearby non-union facility, but many are destined for Mexico
and Asia where wages are as low as the dirt floors of village huts. It
is a story increasingly familiar to workers in both high-tech and low-tech
manufacturing facilities throughout the nation and the industrialized
In Colorado, our friend Anna Lee may
face an uncertain future. The jobs that are available don't pay well.
Like twenty-two
other states, Colorado
Unemployment Insurance is graded an "F" in a study by the Economic
Policy Institute, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and the
National Employment Law Project. While Anna Lee may be eligible for Cobra
insurance, the premiums are out of the reach of most unemployed workers.
If Anna Lee were a thirty year worker like some of us expecting to be
jobless in coming weeks, she would be challenged to find a new career
in the twilight of her working years.
These facts catch our attention, but there are worse effects from neo-liberalism.
Organizations such as the International Chamber of Commerce, the World
Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
facilitate the exploitation of third world laborers in a world-wide search
for the lowest wage. An increased cost of living in third world countries
forces farmers, craftsmen, women and children into sweatshops and factories,
frequently against their will. They labor under dangerous working conditions
with few controls on the pollution of rivers or other environmental destruction.
Crushing third world debt is but one
indicator of gross inequities in neo-liberal trade relationships, yet
countries are (even
now) faced with isolation, subversion, military coercion, and threat
of a military coup. Increasingly, industrial nation-states facilitate
corporate prerogatives. An Institute of Policy Studies website declares, "(t)he
Seattle protestors expressed their anger at institutions like the WTO
for elevating the interests of large corporations over everyone else.
We analyzed just how powerful the world's biggest firms are and our findings
are staggering." One of their findings: of the world's 100 largest
economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries.
If the young radicals that concern the ICC are among the eighty percent
of us expected to be left out of capitalist ascension after globalization
of trade, what is their future? Will jobs in an enron economy continue
the downward spiral? At what point do we all feel the urge to rebel?
The ICC won't heed young radicals because it knows what they know--
it is the system that is the problem. The system that government officials,
investors and corporate leaders have helped to construct, to maintain,
and to defend, makes them fabulously wealthy at the expense of the rest
of the world.
Richard Myers is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World
Original posted at
It is the morning of the ICC protest in Denver. The phantom created by
the corporate media is about to be dashed by the reality in the Denver
streets as we exercise our constitutional rights. We are few, but we
are dedicated and determined. We don't intend to give greed a break.
Six am. Morning of the ICC protest in Denver. We begin this day energized
from a day of workshops. "Standing Up to the Bully" was the
title of the series of training sessions for those of us who have never
been to a protest before, and a refresher for the resolve of protest
Most of us begin this day believing that the media have grossly over-hyped
the likelihood of violence. The driving conviction behind publicizing
the ICC protest as a continuation of Seattle has been the belief that
we should not give the business world a break. Yet comparisons with Seattle
end when we consider the months of preparation that went into that event,
and the very few weeks we have had to prepare in Denver. And hasn't the
corporate media done their homework? This is finals week in the colleges.
Some of our most ardent and dedicated activists won't even make it to
the main event.
When the press interviewed me I predicted numbers of protestors in the
range of a hundred. This is certainly pessimistic, for in all there were
well over a hundred just attending workshops. But in Seattle they filled
an auditorium with 3,000 before the event.
We play it down, play it down. They hype it up, hype it up.
So we puzzle over the corporate media's suggetions that this will be
bigger than Seattle. Will they later knock down a strawman, concluding
that the movement has fizzled? If so, they fall into their own trap.
Right now the movement is planning bigger and better for events months
into the future.
As they have predicted chaos and mayhem, the corporate media have focused
upon us, the radicals. Stories swirl of busloads of anarchists arriving
from out of state. There are no busloads of anarchists (unless they are
counting the Suburban-- but no, that is from Denver).
While we have the attention, we seem to have no
voice in the media. Numerous submissions of articles with our point
of view have been ignored.
They talk about us, and focus on the views of their junior partner, the
AFL, which describes us as the "fringe".
We believe (most of us) that there will be no great commotion at the
Denver barricades. We don't have the numbers, we don't have the planning,
we don't have the alliance of organizations from the Seattle experience.
The ICC is an appropriate bad actor, but without the high profile of
the WTO.
We will have taunting, chanting, antics. We will
see attempts to goad the impassive face of authority. But unlike Seattle,
no one (to my knowledge)
has uttered the words, "block delegates".
As we contemplate the silliness and rumor-mongoring of the corporate
media, we draw strength from the fact that we do have a wonderful core
of activism in Denver. We have been noticed, and our future is bright.
The workshops covered issues such as appropriate dress. Wear long pants,
long sleaves. Running shoes are good, sandals are not good. Absolutely
no contact lenses, leave them at home in case of tear gas.
Tear gas? In Denver? It seems almost unthinkable. And yet to some, it
was unthinkable in Seattle. Here is an excerpt from the account of Anita
Roddick, businesswoman and activist:
"As we gather at 6.00 am, it is absolutely
pouring with rain. The early-morning protesters are a sea of red
and yellow anti-WTO ponchos
punctured with banners and puppets, standing out in the dark drizzle.
"We bump into John Vidal from the Guardian newspaper in Britain,
poncho-less and soggy, and head off with the crowd, alongside a jaunty
papier mâché cow propelled by six legs. We march towards
the Paramount Theatre, where the opening ceremonies for the WTO’s
Third Ministerial are to be held. Protesters’ groups meet and
break up and we wonder where the plot is. Short rows of ridiculously
police seem relaxed.
"But not for long. Outside the Sheraton Hotel protesters soon gather
in strength, lock arms – and the strategy to stop the meeting
kicks in. Suited and frustrated delegates try to dodge past us. We
our grip on neighbouring arms and stand firm. Many delegates give up
and stand, helpless, in confused, suited groups on the other side of
the street, clutching their papers and wondering what to do. The crowd
of protesters thickens, the rows of police tighten. Anticipation and
tension seep into the air. And the time ticks on, past the supposed
opening ceremonies of the WTO.
"The faceless, black-geared, over-armed figures of the Seattle
police look like something out of Star Trek, with a heavy portent of
potential brutality. Their long truncheons poised at an identical angle,
their visors down and their feet the same distance apart. We chant the
very American ‘WTO – Hell, No!’ slogans and drums
fill the air, everyone reminds everyone that this is a peaceful protest,
we sit down in the road in front of the police. Our right to non-violent
and effective demonstration against injustice.
"Then, with the whole world watching, everything
changes. An armoured tank appears clad with police. The row of
police bends down and puts
on gas masks. They face us and tighten the straps of their masks.
"We don’t get any warning. But we are running with the crowd,
spluttering in shock as the first cloud of tear gas in the Battle of
Seattle bursts into the air. Some still sit – covering their eyes
in pain. We are momentarily rooted to the spot as we watch a protester
being beaten by police across the front of a truck. The cry of ‘Shame!’ goes
up and is chanted in outrage. The momentum shifts as people turn to
face the police. I shout until I feel hoarse. The sound of that cry
will always
stay with me.
"The images fill front pages around the globe. The reality shocks
me to the core. And enforces my resolve to do whatever I can to campaign
for human rights, abused and ignored by trade rules which cut to profits – no
matter the human cost."
The police and the corporate media have their own agenda. The day shall
reveal all. But while the ICC may be the WTO, we all believe that Denver
is not Seattle.
So we take heart from the Seattle experience, even as we prepare for
the day's events in Denver. Here is that lesson drawn by Anita Roddick:
"The result of Seattle will be a radicalization of the anti-globalization
movement. Seattle has made the alternative possible on a global scale – the
devastation wrought by continued globalization is not inevitable. We
have really seen that it is possible to turn this ‘oil tanker’ around.
But we have only just started pulling on the brakes. It’s what
happens now that counts. We have created a window of opportunity – the
significance of which is almost unthinkably enormous."
See you at the barricades.